What Happens When I Set My Listing to Private?

One of Dazle's features is the ability to set the visibility of your listings to either Public or Private. We understand that there are listings you may prefer to keep private, whether due to incomplete details or for personal use. At Dazle, meeting our users' unique needs is a priority.

So, what happens when you set your listings to Private?

  1. When your listings are set to Private, they will not appear on your personal website. This means that visitors exploring your website will not see your private listings displayed there.

2. Your private listings remain accessible on your dashboard's 'My Listings' page, letting you manage both public and private listings conveniently.

  1. You can still share your private listings directly with your clients from your dashboard. Simply click on 'Share' and choose to share it directly on any social media platform, or copy the link and send it to your clients.

In summary, Dazle's listing feature allows users to customize their online presence, prioritizing diverse user needs, including privacy for incomplete details or personal use. Private listings are not displayed on the personal website but are easily accessible on the dashboard's 'My Listings' page.