What are the advantages of Dazle Pro Plan?

Are you considering upgrading to Dazle's Pro Plan but are unsure of the benefits it offers compared to the Free Plan? Let's explore the advantages of using the Pro Plan and how it can make your real estate business even better!

1. Increased Listing Capacity

Free Plan: With the Free Plan, you have access to 12 free listings, allowing you to showcase a limited number of properties.

Pro Plan: Upgrade to the Pro Plan and get 50 free listings, significantly expanding your capacity to feature more properties and attract a larger audience.

2. Enhanced Team Collaboration

Free Plan: The Free Plan provides access to the listing dashboard, but it's limited to individual use.

Pro Plan: With the Pro Plan, you can create a team and invite up to 5 team members or users to collaborate seamlessly. This fosters teamwork, improves efficiency, and ensures everyone is on the same page.

3. Comprehensive Team Management

Free Plan: No access to team features.

Pro Plan: Unlock advanced team features such as team ownership and team dashboards, providing efficient tools to manage your team members effectively. With these, team owners can easily oversee their teams and assign roles to each member with simplicity and ease.

4. Seamlessly Add Team Listings to Dashboard and Personal Website

Pro Plan: Add listings to teams effortlessly, view team listings, and add team listings to your personal website. These features empower your members to add your team listings to their dashboard and personal website with just a few clicks.

Other Benefits of Dazle's Pro Plan

  • Add Listing to Teams: Collaboratively manage listings within the team environment.

  • Access to Listing Dashboard: Centralized dashboard for efficient team collaboration and management.

  • Access to Analytics: Comprehensive analytics to track listing performance and listing insights.

  • Access to Personal Website: Extend your online presence with a dedicated personal website.

  • Access to Team Link Sharing: Simplify team-based listing sharing through generated links.

  • Access to Contact Form: Receive inquiries when buyers contact you through the contact form, streamlining communication and facilitating potential transactions.

  • Add Team Listings to Your Personal Site: Integrate team listings into your personal website for a comprehensive showcase.


The advantages of upgrading to Dazle's Pro Plan are clear: increased listing capacity, enhanced team collaboration, comprehensive team management, seamless integration, extensive analytical insights, and access to a personal website. By leveraging these features, you can elevate your real estate business, attract more clients, and achieve greater success.

Ready to take your real estate ventures to the next level? Upgrade to Dazle's Pro Plan today and unlock the full potential of your business!