Being Top of Mind: Top 5 Real Estate Sales Techniques That Get YOU Seen First

Being Top of Mind: Top 5 Real Estate Sales Techniques That Get YOU Seen First

Competition in real estate is a reality that every broker and salesperson must face. With thousands of agents selling the same property, what’s going to make you stand out from the crowd?

Below are the Top 5 Real Estate Sales Techniques that get you seen by your buyers and make sure they buy from you.

1. Build your Social Media Brand

Let’s face it, buyers are now online. The more they see you, the more they trust you. Let your buyers know that you’re all in with your real estate career. Creating content doesn’t have to be complicated. Use the same content and post it on multiple social media accounts.

Create a post for your Facebook feed and repost it to LinkedIn. Create a mini virtual tour via TikTok and repost it to your Facebook and Instagram stories. Think Omnipresence!

2. Overcommunicate with your Clients

Overcommunication doesn’t mean being kulit . Rather, it’s letting your clients know that you’re with them every step of the way. Let’s say you listed a new home. Let your clients know what marketing you’ve done so far. If a listing isn’t getting enough buyers, communicate with your seller that maybe it’s time to adjust the price. Either way, your clients will appreciate you more for it!

3. Create Virtual Tours

Virtual tours allow your buyers to preview the property from the comfort of their own homes. Online tours build interest and help you save time and energy by touring different houses that your buyers may not like. Start with short-form tours. You can simply use your phone to capture a quick tour of the home, upload it to your Facebook and Instagram stories, or perhaps TikTok! As you get better, go on long-term tours and build your YouTube channel. The more virtual tours you make, the more content your buyers will see from you!

4. Don't just Sell - Be an Advisor

They say the best time to buy real estate was five years ago. The next best time is today! If you’re already a seasoned real estate broker or salesperson, chances are you’ll remember what the prices of land were when you started. Share this information with your buyer and let them know how quickly properties appreciate. Give your buyers tips and advice; don’t just keep offering properties. This will help them remember that you’re not just in it for the sale; you’re looking out for their welfare.

5.Get Organized

Getting organized helps you maintain your listings and client base like a pro! Using a tool like Dazle makes sure you’ve got your property details right at hand whenever your buyers need them. Plus, it automates property and buyer matching, giving you more closed deals. Try it now for free!


In conclusion, standing out in the competitive real estate market requires a thoughtful approach. The highlighted Top 5 Real Estate Sales Techniques place you front and center in your clients' thoughts, setting the stage for long-term success. By building a strong social media presence, maintaining clear communication, offering captivating virtual tours, being an advisor, and staying organized with tools like Dazle, you establish a distinctive edge among competitors. Implementing these strategies not only boosts your visibility but also nurtures trust and loyalty with your clients. Embrace and adapt these techniques to your style, and witness yourself becoming the trusted go-to real estate professional. Your journey to being top-of-mind in the industry starts today!